
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I feel like I start my blog posts the same way, "I'm sorry…" I haven't blogged since last year – late last year. Since my last post, I guess you could say a lot has changed, but in some ways, they are still the same.

The big thing we can get out of the way is that I got married on July 25, 2010! After 6 years of dating the most beautiful and wonderful girl to ever walk this Earth, we finally tied the knot! It has been the best thing to ever happen to me, and everyday it is a blessing to walk out life with her.

I am still working at Adventures In Missions in the IT department. My role is changing a little bit, which is always a good thing. I have been actively involved in the "Help Desk" role. Helping with computer problems, setting up office phones, emails, etc. But AIM is expanding at a CRAZY rate, and those things are bogging down my days like you wouldn't believe. In lue of that, we are hiring someone new to take that role, and I will be working strickly with website development – really what I want to be doing. It's an exciting move, and I am ready for the challenge.

In most recent news, I actually had 3 1/2 days off of work this week due to 5 inches of snow. I know, right! Throughout my whole school career (at least middle school and high school) I only had two days off of school in Minnesota – and one of those days, I had to drive into school, only to find out it was cancelled. So to have 3 1/2 days off in a row due to five 5 inches was pretty wild. The problem is, they don't have any plows and really rely on the sun to melt the snow. But when it's below 30 degrees everyday – it just stays around and turns to ice. We decided before the storm hit to stay at our friends, the Rocks house for the duration of the storm. What we expected to be one day, ended up being 3. It was a great time with friend, even though cabin fever almost set in.

I will continue to try and update this on a more regular basis. Ashley has started up a new blog, and we both will be blogging on that. You can check it out here:

Please continue to pray for Ashley and I as we continue to work at AIM and discover what God has planned for our lives!